NEH Consciousness

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Department of Philosophy
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424

Phone: 843-953-1935
Facsimile: 843-953-6388


The NEH Summer Institute on "Investigating Consciousness" has been successfully concluded. It was a memorable event for all. (see photos)

About the Institute

Consciousness is a hot topic. Consciousness Studies is central to philosophy, religious studies and cognitive neuroscience. It has also been a focus for productive cross-cultural research, drawing together scholars from the Euro-American and Buddhist philosophical traditions. The recent flourishing of the study of consciousness in the West has been so productive because it draws on diverse philosophical and psychological roots, from phenomenology to semantics to neurophysiology. The nascent interaction with the Indian and Tibetan Buddhist traditions, traditions as old and as sophisticated as the European tradition, and yet just as vigorous today, is contributing new ideas to the philosophical study of consciousness.

This NEH Summer Institute for College and University Professors is designed to enable interested participants to draw these often parallel programs together for mutual benefit.

We encourage you to apply to our NEH Summer Institute. We have assembled a faculty comprising some of the world’s foremost philosophers of mind, phenomenologists, philosophers of cognitive science, and specialists in Buddhist philosophy. Please explore our website for details about our distinguished faculty, the project, and the application process. You may also download a pdf of the Dear Colleague letter from the Project Directors.

We especially welcome early career philosophers. We are interested in scholars working on topics in philosophy of mind, in particular those working primarily in the Western tradition who are interested in what the Buddhist tradition might have to offer, as well as those interested most specifically in Indian and Buddhist philosophy, who wish to engage with contemporary conversations in philosophy of mind, cognitive science and phenomenology. College and university professors of philosophy of religion, cognitive psychology, and philosophy of biology and neurobiology are also welcome to this interdisciplinary institute.

We hope that you will find our project interesting, and we will be delighted to see your interest in our Institute translate into an application to participate. Note that the application deadline is March 1, 2012.

Please do not hesitate to contact Christian Coseru shoud you have any questions.

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